Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Last Week of Term 3

This is week Room 2 has two choice boards that they can pick activities from. Harry worked super hard last week to make a Minecraft choice board, inspired by the activities Mrs Fox gave us a couple weeks ago. Here is a copy of our choice board and so of the things Rooms 2 has made so far. 

Jot's Rollercoaster                                        Danton's Farm


Alley's Minecraft Math Activity                    Braydon's Minecraft Writing

And to fit with out party theme Ihaka used Dance Lab Project to code a dance, check it out!


  1. Wow this is funny Ihaka

  2. Hi guys. I hope you have been having fun on my choice board. It took me a very long time to make but it was worth it. I also like your creations. They look so nice! have fun!

  3. wow that looks fun


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