Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Week that Was

There was so much creativity in week seven. students produced so many amazing digital learning objects. Have a look...


This week JJ, Harry and Kenzo worked together and learnt how to create digital posters on Canva, has a look at their summary by clicking the link here

For Reading, Jot created an animation to summarise a video he watched. 


Click here for the link to Kenzo's Canva Poster about Polygons.

April (left) and Evelyna (right), were working on their place value skills this week, they worked very hard. The following are a screenshot of one of their activities. 

Here is Taylor's place Value work from this week.


Hayleigh worked on identifying shapes from their features, here is her work.



For writing, students were tasked with creating a piece of writing which involved an airplane. Students interpreted this prompt in many different ways.

 When planes take off They goes really fast .  And when you get high Your ears pop because you're very high. And the  lollies are best. In the plane people walking past gives you lollys so your ears don't pop And if they're nice they will give you more lolls  And the lollies are really nice.  And you can  lolly for a long time.  Then the speakers will going on because these turbulence When turbulence happens you have to sit in your seat .

By Dylan

Once there was a Blake family.They were a perfect family you could ever imagine.There were 4 people in the family,Marge the mom,Tom the dad,grace the daughter and Will the son.One day Marge and Tom arranged a family vacation during the Googlel times.After Marge and Tom figured out where to go for vacation they ringed the school the Grace and Will will be away for a little while on vacation.The next day it was normal except while Grace and Will were at school the mom and dad packed their bags.In the early morning they woke up the kids and said “Were going to Hawaii.Mind you they live in Australia It was going to be a long journey.They all went to the airport and got boarded on their flight on the plane to go to hawaii.while they were on the plane they all so bored so they all decided to play a game.After some time the flight attendant came down with the food tray and handed out some food to everyone on the flight.Just as the mom was eating she felt goosebumps down her spines it felt like to her that something was happening at home but she just brushed off the feelings.Later on the mom just remembered why she felt goosebumps she left the gate open.She started panicking in her head what if she got robbed?After a little while they all went to bed because they were all tired and needed sleep.After everyone woke up they saw it was morning day1 completed so they thought...Just then they heard a big bang what was they thought everyone started panicking running around yelling crying and even more the only people that didn't panik was the flight crew.One of the flight attendants came running out and yelled “It was just the engine it was playing up a little.Everyone froze and went back to their seats and calmed down.Wow the mom  thought am i unlucky  .But are they unlucky?After a little while (again🙄)the plane finally landed and]they got out of the plane that was a relief the mom thought to herself.just when they got to the line the line was long as ever just as long as a giraffe's neck.She and her kids and the dad felt exhausted and hot they just wanted to leave and go to the hotel room that they are staying at.”Yes!” The mom said she finally made it to the front of the line with her family.After checking out the bags they went and got a taxi to their hotel.When they arrived they got inside of the hotel and asked for the keys to their hotel room.Everyone saw the hotel room it was beautiful everyone thought.Everyone had a fun time and had a shower then got changed and went to bed.Grace was the first up she was so happy she got up and got ready.

By Alleyena


For our te reo lesson this week students focused on 'feelings'. Their task was to create a digital learning object which shows a conversation between people about how they feel.

Here is Kenzo's animation.

And this is Hayleigh's animation


In Room 2 when a student finishes their task for the week they complete the weeks stellar superstars challenge. This week to go with our geometry maths focus, students flipped rotation, reflected, enlarged, reduced or translated shapes in order to build various objects.

These are Braydon's (left) and Ihaka's (right) favourite animals

Harry and Tayla used the online shapes tool to build their names.

Shriya challenged herself to build something out of exactly 22 shapes. 

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