Saturday, March 27, 2021

Old Tech

On Monday we started the next part of our change topic, looking at technology. When students walked into class after lunch tables were filled with older technology from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s. For the task students had to pretend they were a salesperson, like someone from an infomercial. They had to pick one of the pieces of technology and sell it to someone else (in a piece of writing). BUT the catch was they were not told what the technology did, they had to use their detective skills to figure out what the piece of technology was and how it might work. After we were finished writing we had a discussion about all the different pieces of technology and what they did. 

The different pieces of technology were as followed

1) VCR and VHS

2) Record Player and Vinyls

3) Viewmaster 

4) The first Ipad

5) Cassette tapes

6) Xbox 360

7) Wii

8) Portable DVD player

9) Video Cameras 

 Here are some photos from our activity. 

This activity is a follow on from our look at how toys/video game and movies have changed, which we looked at the previous weeks. For the rest of the week students focused on changes in technology, working their way through google slide activities, you can find the link here. A record of what we have done for our inquiry change topic can be found on our class site, link here

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