Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Drama Time!

 On Monday Room 2 tried their hand at drama, for a lot of the students it was their first time being introduced to the the concept of drama. We started with a warm up, were students had one minute to make various shapes in groups. Here are some photos...

To start with students had to make the letter M

Then students turned themselves into pineapples

And lastly into a vase of flowers

When then explored our topic of Change through Drama. We read a story about a family who was moving from the country to the city, and leaving behind their big brother. We tried to get inside the mind of the family members in the story by creating still images. After which we had a large class discussion about experiences the students had with moving houses and moving countries. 

If you wanted to share a story about one time when you moved, write it in the comments, our class would love to hear it!

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