Saturday, March 27, 2021

Old Tech

On Monday we started the next part of our change topic, looking at technology. When students walked into class after lunch tables were filled with older technology from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s. For the task students had to pretend they were a salesperson, like someone from an infomercial. They had to pick one of the pieces of technology and sell it to someone else (in a piece of writing). BUT the catch was they were not told what the technology did, they had to use their detective skills to figure out what the piece of technology was and how it might work. After we were finished writing we had a discussion about all the different pieces of technology and what they did. 

The different pieces of technology were as followed

1) VCR and VHS

2) Record Player and Vinyls

3) Viewmaster 

4) The first Ipad

5) Cassette tapes

6) Xbox 360

7) Wii

8) Portable DVD player

9) Video Cameras 

 Here are some photos from our activity. 

This activity is a follow on from our look at how toys/video game and movies have changed, which we looked at the previous weeks. For the rest of the week students focused on changes in technology, working their way through google slide activities, you can find the link here. A record of what we have done for our inquiry change topic can be found on our class site, link here

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Stand Out Stars

 Last week there were some great pieces of writing made in Room 2, here are two pieces that were real stand-outs. First is Khun's (Y3) story about his favourite game, and second is Alley's (Y4) story about her family's trip to America.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Drama Time!

 On Monday Room 2 tried their hand at drama, for a lot of the students it was their first time being introduced to the the concept of drama. We started with a warm up, were students had one minute to make various shapes in groups. Here are some photos...

To start with students had to make the letter M

Then students turned themselves into pineapples

And lastly into a vase of flowers

When then explored our topic of Change through Drama. We read a story about a family who was moving from the country to the city, and leaving behind their big brother. We tried to get inside the mind of the family members in the story by creating still images. After which we had a large class discussion about experiences the students had with moving houses and moving countries. 

If you wanted to share a story about one time when you moved, write it in the comments, our class would love to hear it!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Taking Care of our Chromebooks

We have been focusing on taking care of our Chromebooks the past couple weeks. A big thanks to Kootuitui ki Papapkura for helping with this. On Friday students created posters to inform others on how to properly look after their Chromebooks. The year 4s in Room 2 have posted their posters to their personal blogs (along with other tasks they have been working on this week). Here are a sample of the posters our year 3s made. 

April                                                                Eknoor

Danton                                                                Dylan

Kavin                                                                    Shriya

Khun                                                                    Sophia

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Our De-stress Jar

On Monday we made stress balls, and decorated our floor with rice in the process. To continue with our Change topic, we had discussed ways in which we could cope with change. So, we had thought of using stress balls as one solution. Students worked in pairs to fill balloons with rice, and as a class we created over FIFTY stress balls. Room 2 is very proud of all the stress balls we made, and our de-stress jar will be sitting up the front of the class for the foreseeable future. Have a look at our awesome de-stress jar!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Soccer Taster

On the 8th of March, Room 2 had a soccer taster. The students had fun practicing their dibbling skills by playing a fun game. Then students put their dribbling skills to the test when they got into teams to compete in a game. Have a look at some of the photos. 



Saturday, March 6, 2021

Dragon Mania!

 Room 2 is looking forward to being back in class come Monday the 8th. Our class completed a wide range of work while Distance Learning, here is some of the work from the last couple days. Notice a pattern? Our class seems to have a fascination with dragons. 

Here is Dylan's story about finding food for his dragon. 

This is Braydon's poster about his favourite literary character. 

And here is Tayla's story about a mysterious package she received.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Distance Learning Work- Year 4s

 Have a look at some of the work our year 4s have been doing over the past couple days. Along with sites like Epic, Sunshine Classics and Matific students have been completing various activities. I have been so impressed with two of our students reading skills. Yesterday TK read for over an hour on Epic, and over the last two days Danton has read for FIVE HOURS in total.

Here is Ihaka's writing, part one of three...

Here is the math work Harry has been working on for the past two days...

Here is Braydon's awesome story about having super powers...

Here is Sirat's design for a book cover...

To see more, check out our year 4s blog's. The links are in the column to the left. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Distance Learning 2.0

 Today students began distance learning for the second time. Once we had our meeting in the morning they were off, completing tasks for this week, which student can find here.

Here is some writing from our year 3's. If you want to see what our year 4's have been up to, check out their personal blogs, the links are in the sidebar on the left.




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