Friday, November 26, 2021

Earth Weeks

 Check out the awesome work that got done over the past two weeks. We learnt lots about the environment and how to save it. There is lots more learning on the students individual blogs as well. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Week 4 Space Week

Last week was space week and here is all the great work that got done. And there will be even more amazing work to check out with our down to earth theme this week. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

Week 3, Part 2 of Book Week

Today we finish our two week long book week. We had a middle school assembly and saw some great character costumes. Have a look at all of the work we did this week. Then come back next week when we start a new theme for the week, I think it will be out of this world. 

Friday, October 29, 2021

Book Week & Halloween

The first week of our Book Theme is done, and here are screenshots from the work we did. 

Also, did you notice some monster around the place? Well, it was for our Middle School Monster Hunt this week. I hope you found them all, if not here are some hints. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Loud Shirt Week!

The first week of term 4 our theme was around Loud Shirt Day, with the title 'Bright shirt, Bright Thinkers'. Check our all the great work that went on this week...

Come back next week to see the work from our Book Week. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Last Week of Term 3

This is week Room 2 has two choice boards that they can pick activities from. Harry worked super hard last week to make a Minecraft choice board, inspired by the activities Mrs Fox gave us a couple weeks ago. Here is a copy of our choice board and so of the things Rooms 2 has made so far. 

Jot's Rollercoaster                                        Danton's Farm


Alley's Minecraft Math Activity                    Braydon's Minecraft Writing

And to fit with out party theme Ihaka used Dance Lab Project to code a dance, check it out!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Rhyming Challenge

 Today in our Google Meet we worked together to complete one of the reading challenges. We made lists of the words that rhyme with Bright, Ball and Send. We thought of 15 words, but some other students went away and thought of even more words. How many can you get?

  Braydon                                Ihaka

Dylan                                 Emma

Harry                                  Shriya

Monday, September 20, 2021

Our New Challenge

For the last two weeks room 2 has been doing a 'Guess how many' challenge. Every day we had to guess how many items there were in a jar, and we had some great answers, check them out. 

We now have a new daily challenge, called Would you Rather. Everyday students need to decide which option they would prefer and give a great reason why. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Superhero Masks - Todays Task

Here are some of the Superhero Masks that Room 2 made today. Now we're ready for our SUPER assembly tomorrow. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Fractured Fairy Tales - Focus Task

 Our focus task for today was to read a fractured fairy tale and then do a comparison between the original fairy tale and the fractured fairy tale. Here were the results. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Wanted Posters - Our Focus Task for Today

Today Room 2 focused on one of the choice board tasks for the week - to make a wanted poster for a superhero or supervillain. Here are some of our posters.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Passion Project

One of the activities this week for reading was to complete a passion project. Spin the wheel. It will land on a letter and students pick a topic starting with that letter to research. Here are the amazing posters that were made.  

Monday, September 6, 2021

Fathers Day Competition

Check out all the amazing entries we had in the Fathers Day Competition. I wonder who will win? Find out on Wednesday.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Week 7 Challenges - Distance Learning

These are the photos from our daily challenges for the last couple of days. There's our DIY Tic, Tac, Toe Games, Paper Sculptures and Face Shadows. 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Inferring with Receipts - Distance Learning

 One of the reading activities this week was for students to use their inferring skills to interpret receipts and answer questions. Here is a copy of the activity. 

Part of the activity is for students to make their own receipts. 

Can you use your inferring skills to answer these questions made by students?

(1) What is this person getting ready for?              (2) Whose receipt is this?


(3) What is this person doing?                     (4) Where is this person going?

(5) What time of day is it?                (6) Who is this person buying this stuff for?


(7) What is this person getting ready for?         (8) What is this person making?

(9) Where is this person going?   (10) What is this person getting ready for?

Add a comment with your answers. How many can you get right?

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Curious Kea Scavenger Hunt - Distance Learning

Today our students did a curious kea scavenger hunt. Students had to act like a kea an find items that a kea would: 5 green items, 5 things that roll, 5 oddly shaped sticks. Look at the slide deck to find out what students found. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Door Signs - Distance Learning

Our daily challenge for today was to make a door hanger, these are some of Miss Henderiks' favourites. 

Here is Tayla's Sign

Here is Taylor's Sign

Here is Jess' Sign 

Here is Dylan's Sign

Here is April's Sign

Friday, August 27, 2021

Fantastic Friday - Distance Learning

This week was great, and lots of work got done. Todays challenge was for students to spell out their name with pictures using this key.  

Here are the ones our class made. 

He Tino Tuku Kōrero | Popular Posts

Earth Weeks

 Check out the awesome work that got done over the past two weeks. We learnt lots about the environment and how to save it. There is lots mo...