Friday, October 29, 2021

Book Week & Halloween

The first week of our Book Theme is done, and here are screenshots from the work we did. 

Also, did you notice some monster around the place? Well, it was for our Middle School Monster Hunt this week. I hope you found them all, if not here are some hints. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Loud Shirt Week!

The first week of term 4 our theme was around Loud Shirt Day, with the title 'Bright shirt, Bright Thinkers'. Check our all the great work that went on this week...

Come back next week to see the work from our Book Week. 

He Tino Tuku Kōrero | Popular Posts

Earth Weeks

 Check out the awesome work that got done over the past two weeks. We learnt lots about the environment and how to save it. There is lots mo...