Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Curious Kea Scavenger Hunt - Distance Learning

Today our students did a curious kea scavenger hunt. Students had to act like a kea an find items that a kea would: 5 green items, 5 things that roll, 5 oddly shaped sticks. Look at the slide deck to find out what students found. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Door Signs - Distance Learning

Our daily challenge for today was to make a door hanger, these are some of Miss Henderiks' favourites. 

Here is Tayla's Sign

Here is Taylor's Sign

Here is Jess' Sign 

Here is Dylan's Sign

Here is April's Sign

Friday, August 27, 2021

Fantastic Friday - Distance Learning

This week was great, and lots of work got done. Todays challenge was for students to spell out their name with pictures using this key.  

Here are the ones our class made. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Tremendous Thursday - Distance Learning

Here was our challenge for today - Pick a category, like food or animals then try to name something in that category for every letter of the alphabet. 










Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wonderful Wednesday - Distance Learning

Check out the work Room 2 did today. There's some great recipes here you may want to try yourself. 

Braydon                                                            Dylan

Kavin                                                        Sirat



Kenzo and April answered some great comprehension questions after reading their books


Danton did some very unique
"He has done painting today by using opposite colour techniques as Chinese paper cutting. He drew a dragon and the Dayan Tower he saw it when he travelled to Xian, China."

And Kenzo created an amazing animation about a fruit and vegetable 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Terrific Tuesday - Distance Learning

 Check out some of the work we did today!

Kenzo (left) and Sylvia (right) made a stress balls with resources they found around their house. 


Harry got a certificate from Interland, which teaches our students about internet safety (left). Cruz did great perfecting his touch typing skills. Look at those scores! (right)

Sirat made a great animation about fruits and vegetables.

And looking at these photos Dom had a great day outside!


Dylan (left) and Tayla (right) completed awesome writing tasks. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Marvellous Monday - Distance Learning

 This week the middle school is picking the tasks they want to do from a choice board (see below).

There are lots of different options to choose from. Here is some of the work that got done today. 


Alley's Book Review

Ayah's Book Poster

Shriya's Storyboard about the story she read- Goodnight Moon


Emma's Addition Pyramid                    Harry's Addition Pyramid

Dylan's Fraction Activity

Sirat's Problem Solving Questions


                                 Tayla's Lockdown Letter                     Sylvia's Story

Friday, August 20, 2021

Fun Friday

In our Google Meet this morning we had a fun quiz, trying to guess which countries these symbols are representing. We got all four, can you figure them out? 


Check out some of the awesome pieces of writing that was done today. 





Thursday, August 19, 2021

Lockdown 3.0 Day One Done!

Even though were back in lockdown for the third time this year, Room 2 never stops learning and the amazing work students completed today is a testament to that. 

Here is Jot's Reading

This is one of Alleyena's Reading Box Answers

Tayla worked on her fractions, and so did Dylan (following)

Harry worked on the Math Question about our local area

This is Jessica's Stellar Superstar Challenge

And Kavin did some amazing STEAM activities

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