Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Great Work from Week 3

Here is a collective of some amazing work from last week. It is a mix of Math, Writing and Reading. Which piece of work really impressed you? 

Ihaka's Math, Ihaka used his knowledge of shapes to do a shape hunt around our class

Sirat's Reading, answering questions by inferring from a picture

April's Writing about her favourite animal

My favourite animal is a cheetah because it is spotty. And its colour is black and orange and yellow. 

Evelyna's Writing about a magical tree

The tree can talk. And he can eat. Ander he can see the talking mushrooms are happy. His name is Goodje.

Dylan's Math, learning about what a polygon is, and how binary works. He then made his own polygons from binary

Khun's Writing, about his funny weekend adventure

On saturday morning i woke up did the morning stuff

Then i went to go  pick up danton.You must be wondering why i'm picking up danton it is because today is the day for me and danton to have a playdate but even better we are going to the beach it took for ages but it was worth it the beach that we were at had floaties warm sand juice but we already had and the most important thing the clean bathroom but that’s when i noticed it wasn’t a normal toilet it was a long drop and i'm sure no one likes long drops only when they have to go really bad but not for me i do it behind a tree or in the ocean which one should i pick? If you picked the ocean you were right i felt really good after that then me and danton and my little brother and my big sister played on the playground then we got into are togs and headed to the beach and i thought the water was going to be cold but to my surprise it was warm so me and danton and my little brother played water fight danton managed to get me down luckily i had goggles because the water is salty a few hours later we saw a rope near the rock so i created a jump thing so you would have to go on the rock and get the rope and swing then jump it was really fun but i was getting tired same as danton so me and danton changed out of our togs and into our clothes and we went to the lake and relax we sat on the sand and put our feet in the water then i said to danton that i was going to get us juice but little did danton know i wasn’t getting us juice i was going to jump into the lake and wet him but mostly me cuz i will get wet but it's okay so i get ready i count to three and run i swish through the wind then splash danton gets wet.The end

Friday, May 21, 2021

What makes us, us?

Our new topic this term is Identity. So to start we discussed what Identity is, and what things add to our identity - what things make us unique? 

Some of the things we discussed were our name, how we look, our ethnicity, our family and friends, our favourite games, sports, foods, movies or TV shows, what we do in a day, what subjects we are good at and skills or talents we have. 

We then made some portraits which turned out amazing. Now we have posters that are hung in our class that can tell visitors all about us and our identity. Have a look at some of them below. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

New Zealand Sign Language Week

Last week was New Zealand sign language week, our class practiced how to sign the alphabet and then taught it to the rest of the middle school on Friday. Some eager students went home and learnt how to sign their names, check it out!



If you want to try learning your name in sign language, have a look at the image below. The great thing about sign language is that once you learn the alphabet, you can communicate anything just by spelling it out. 

Image taken from: https://www.mas.co.nz/ 

Thank you to Taylor, Emma, Ihaka, Alleyena and Jot for your sign language mastery!

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