Sunday, February 28, 2021

Boat Racing

 On Monday and Tuesday this week, to celebrate (what was planned to be) the end of the Prada Cup, Room 2 created our own boats. Using a variety of crafts and our research skills we created awesome boats and then raced them in the school pool. Check out the photos and videos below. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

What is Change?

This week Room 2 was in class for only two days, in that time we started our term 1 social studies topic...


To try to answer the question 'what is change?' we did a class brainstorm about what changes, this was the result...

After doing a big brainstorm, we then split up in groups and tried to think of things that have changed for us, in four big areas - At Home, At School, For New Zealand and For the Whole World. Each group had some time thinking of ideas for each area. Our ideas have been put into word clouds, check it out!

If you want to learn more about our Change topic, keep an eye on the LCS Inquiry tab on our class site. Click here

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Room 2 Working Hard

 Room 2 has been working very hard today, using Matific, Flipgrid and Epic. Here is a bunch of students' work from today, check it out!

April and Tayla made awesome acrostic poems so we could learn more about them. 

While Hayleigh, Sophia and Emma made posters to tell us about themselves. 

Ihaka designed his dream bedroom and Phoenix found all the items in Miss Greenwood's scavenger hunt. 

Kenzo created a new game, and Harry worked really hard to find answers to all the math problems. 

Keep it up Room 2!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Day One Done!

Today was our first day of distance learning, we had a class Google Meet in the morning to go over our tasks and then we were off!

Student completed many different tasks. Braydon, Tayla and Kavin read a bunch of books on epic! Taylor (top left) managed to find all his scavenger hunt items, Sophia (top right) designed a very colourful dream bedroom. Kenzo (bottom left) made his name using things found around his house and Shriya (bottom right) used her name to make an acrostic poem.

Doesn’t all this work look amazing! Well done in particular to all the year 3’s who were using their Chromebook for the very first time today.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Our First Week

Room 2 spent their first week back at Papakura Central School getting settled and meeting all the new people in our class.

We played a bunch of different games to get to know each other, and enjoyed playing in the pool during the hot weather. For Math we completed some collaborative math problems, working on generating and sharing ideas. In writing students wrote stories about a highlight from their holiday. One student- Phoenix Kauri’s story can be viewed by clicking the link: Click here. To jazz up our classroom walls we wanted to create some funky portraits inspired by Sandra Silberzweig, some of our drafts are below, we will finish our final copies once we are back in our classroom.

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